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37 m² priestoru / 37 m² of space (Barbora, Simona, Dana, Johanka, Ruženka, Sabína, Soňa and Vladimíra are third, fourth and fifth year students of the studio S + M + L_XL, Metal & Jewellery at the AFAD under the guidance of prof. Karol Weisslechner, akad.arch. Eight girls that like to braid their hair, write articles or grants, work in a bar, digitize, cook, bake, chase and grind metal left the academic environment to share together 37m2 of the Gallery +-0,0 space. During seven-day workshop, initiated by doctoral student of AFAD Lucia Gašparovičová, students will react to the distinctive conditions of the gallery space. The workshop doesn´t determine the final outcome, it concentrates more on the space, time and process without necessary fixation on the result. Gallery space is becoming an improvised jewellery studio and thrust workplace.)
Foto: Peter Snadík |